May The ‘Blessing Box’ Be a Blessing ~
Please bring in your products and leave them in the large blue bin that is on the floor in the entranceway (the narthex) of the church.
Unable to shop? You can also donate money towards blessing box supplies and we will shop for the best deals to help make the most of your donation.
The blessing box is stocked twice daily from the bin.
Blessings Box WISH LIST
Non-Perishable Foods: Pasta, Rice, Dried Soup Mix, Crackers,
Granola, Cereals, Protein Bars, Dried Fruit,
Hot Chocolate Mix, Tea / Coffee, Coffee Whitener,
Artificial Sweetener, Canned Goods [SUMMER ONLY]
Personal Hygiene Items: Deodorant, Bar Soap, Shampoo Bar, Bandaids,
Lip Balms, Plastic Combs / Hair Brushes, Toothbrushes,
Pads, Tampons, Panty Liners
Gently Used Clothing: Scarves, Warm Hats, Mitts/Gloves, Neck Warmers,
* Underwear, Socks * [*NEW, IN PACKAGE ONLY!]
Gift Cards: in any denomination to Home Improvement Stores like HomeDepot/Home Hardware, or Department Stores like Wal-Mart, are also gratefully accepted! We have dedicated volunteers who will then shop for what is most needed on your behalf.
Neighbourhood Picnic and Blessings Box Food-Raiser

Friends and neighbours picnic and food-raiser for the Blessings Box
Help us fill every square of our labyrinth with food!
Hot dogs! Ice Cream! Cotton Candy! Popcorn!
Bouncy castle, games and prizes!
Face painting, bubbles and sidewalk art!
ALL FREE with your non-perishable donations for RFDA!
Our goal is to fill every brick in our labyrinth with non-perishable items for those in Thunder Bay that need help putting food on the table.
Picnic is open to EVERYONE! You do NOT have to be a member of St. Paul's!
Drop in! Bring your family and friends!
Date: TBA
Time: 11:30 - 1:00 pm
Where: St. Paul's Anglican Church
808 Ridgeway Street (across from the former McKellar Hospital)
Cost: please bring a donation for the Blessings Box

Reverend Nancy Ringham
(807) 627-5667
Church Office
(807) 622-4945